To apply to enrol a new student please click on the link below, fill out the form and bring it into the front office with your child's birth certificate and immunisation history statement. Visa information will also be required if relevant. Alternatively, the documents can be emailed to
For additional information about enrolment, please click on the following link.
Personal Items List (Booklists)
Please find below 2024 personal items lists.
Bring your own device (BYOD) Information - Years 4 - 6
Please find below the link for the BYOD information
2024 Contributions and Charges
Please find below the link for the 2024 School Contributions and Charges.
All school contributions and charges arising throughout the year are able to be paid online. The school account details are below:
BSB: 016-560
Account Number: 340823513
ANZ Bank Bunbury Reference: Child's name
Click on the link below to access the term dates for the Education Department of Western Australia:
School commences at 8:40am daily, gates are opened at 8:30am.
Morning recess is from 10:50am to 11:15am.
Lunch is from 1:15pm to 2:00pm.
School is dismissed at 3:00pm.
OSHClub, a before and after school care program, operates at Adam Road Primary School. The program caters for Adam Road Primary students from Kindergarten to Year 6.
Please contact 08 9261 3200 or visit for more information.
Adam Road Primary School holds a whole-school assembly. The assembly time is Friday 9:00am. Family members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Notifications of dates, items presented and awards to be made are outlined in the term planner and school newsletters.
Our canteen is open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
It is the aim of our school canteen to provide a large range of nutritious food to students at reasonable prices. The canteen is staffed by our canteen manager, but relies on volunteers for assistance. Parent support is therefore essential to enable the canteen to function effectively. Profits from the canteen are handed to the P&C annually to benefit the school.
Our school uniform shop operates on Monday mornings from 8:00am– 8:30am, selling both new and second-hand school uniform items.
The Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) operates to facilitate the involvement of the parent community within the school, both socially and financially, to benefit the school students. Parents are encouraged to become involved, with meetings advertised in the Term Planner.
Adam Road Primary School values positive partnerships between home and school. Parents can contribute their time to many aspects of our school including the canteen, the library and their child's classroom.
We are proud of the partnerships we have established with local community groups and are always looking to further develop these sorts of relationships as it is another way we can broaden the services we offer. Currently we have volunteer mentors who work with individual students. These mentors are community based members trained as School Volunteers through Hands Up 4 Kids.
All parents and volunteers are required to sign in at Administration.